Saturday, November 19, 2011

Calling ALL Candy!

We're collecting ALL unwanted Halloween Candy to send to our Troops overseas. Please contact Lisa if you have some to spare.  We need the candy no later than December 3rd so it can be mailed out to the National Guard Unit in charge of care packing them. 

My boys have decided to donate ALL of their Halloween Candy from Trick or Treating to this great cause .... rally your troops :)

Thanks a bunch!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fruit Smoothies

this makes enough well in my house for one small plastic kiddie cup and one adult cup in servings

1 banana
5-6 strawberries
1 reg size yogurt (the individual cups) any flavor you want
2 scoops vanilla icecream
hanful of raspberries

in mixer or food processor mix all together and add a spalsh of milk so its not so thick so kiddie can sip up through a straw and enjoy.